
Healthcare and Social Services Forum

Thanks Mom & Dad Fund assembled an outstanding panel to discuss the importance of healthcare services and social services connecting and collaborating for the benefit of seniors.

Lunch was served at the fabulous Maggiano’s restaurant and those in attendance heard from physicians and leaders in the aging network.

Keynote Speakers:
Dr. Theodore Johnson, Emory
Dr. Adrienne Mims, Rainmakers



Throughout the year Thanks Mom & Dad Fund hosts events to strengthen the aging network and raise funds to support our programs. Learn more about our events by clicking on the images below.

Previous events and activities: 

We celebrated the 20th Anniversary of Thanks Mom & Dad Fund on November 9, 2023 at the beautiful Georgia Aquarium. It was an epic evening and our very own Maureen Kelly was honored for her dedication to Thanks Mom and Dad Fund.

The 2022 Thanks A Million Gala  honored the 100th birthday of former Mayor and longtime board member, Ms. Lorene Lindsey and included dinner and a great silent auction.   And, YES, award-winning journalist Jocelyn Dorsey, WSB-TV (retired) was the emcee for the evening.  A good time was had by all and your support was overwhelming!  

You can see photos here.

Social Isolation Forum 

A CVS Health grant made it possible to test interventions to reduce social isolation and loneliness. Panelists representing the nine (9) sites shared information about their programs at the Social Isolation Forum presented by Thanks Mom & Dad Fund and CVS Health.

Refer to the Social Isolation Forum page for more details and photos.


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